Mott MacDonald
Mott MacDonald
With a score of 6.18, the last of the top 50 is Mott MacDonald – a global engineering, management and development consultancy company.
Mott MacDonald scores highly for tailoring its proposition across stakeholder groups with detail on both functional and emotional benefits. It also instils a great sense of ownership, accountability and pride among its employees by being the world’s largest employee-owned business with 20% of global employees owning shares in the company. The digital brand experience is also strong. From a technical aspect, the corporate website provides users with a seamless and engaging digital experience. Mott MacDonald could easily improve its overall brand by better explaining the brand idea ‘Opening opportunities with connected thinking’. While the purpose ‘To improve people’s lives by providing professional and construction services in the built and natural environments, and in social and economic development’ demonstrates a good level of ambition, it feels long-winded, somewhat lofty and disconnected from the central brand idea. The brand receives the lowest score for its visual style. The palette has too many differing colours and does not reflect the brand’s personality. Additionally, poor-quality images are utilised widely across the corporate website.
Tailored proposition and messaging for each stakeholder group
Seamless digital brand experience
Single-minded, overarching brand idea
Clear and compelling purpose
Standout visual style
Mott MacDonald vs sector average, across 10 criteria
- Mott MacDonald
- Sector average
Single-minded, overarching brand idea
5.53.0Coherent brand narrative across business units
6.03.2Clear and compelling purpose
5.53.6Clear ESG strategy driven by purpose
6.05.6Authentic and ownable values
6.03.9Distinct and engaging personality
6.04.2Tailored proposition and messaging for each stakeholder group
8.55.3Standout visual style
4.55.0Consistent use of brand identity
6.05.4Seamless digital brand experience